Just a quick false eyelashes and glue post today! ๐
I had a close relative’s wedding to attend in April and that was the first time I was to wear false eyelashes. Therefore, I decided to buy an inexpensive pair as putting on false eyelashes seemed a bit tricky and I didn’t want to mess around with something costly.
I was looking through the lashes and glue section in Naheed and came across Artmatic U.S.A. which had a variety of lashes made of real hair available in different sizes and I settled for these, the reason being they aren’t too big but still looked perfectly dramatic for weddings. Now, many people prefer to trim their falsies before putting them on but as these are pre-trimmed, I didn’t really feel the need to either because they are very close to the length of my upper lash-line. I found these easy to wear with the help of tweezers and they didn’t bother me once on. You probably should use extra glue on them even though they come pre-glued and ย when wearing for the first time to ensure proper hold as false eyelashes do tend to come off at corners otherwise. I did and that’s why I can’t say how well these would have held on their own.
Artmatic eyelashes are reusable and I clean mine with some eye makeup remover on a q-tip to prevent any bacterial accumulation. This also helps to protect the lashes in case if there is mascara on them which tends to harden with time and can result in breaking off of lashes. To keep the shape of these lashes intact I replace them on the lash tray that it came with after each use. So far I have gotten 3 uses out of them.
Coming to the MesmorEyes Eyelash Adhesive, I had to purchase this to be handy for re-using those falsies. Given the price I think this is a big tube of lash glue and also is a very good product as it gives an amazing hold. All I do is sparingly apply it on the lash band of the falsies and only after about 30 second feels sticky enough to be worn. It dries clear and quickly and does not let those false lashes to budge until I gently tug them off myself.
Artmatic Eyelashes: 80 or 90 PKR (Don’t remember exactly!)
MesmorEyes Eyelash Adhesive: 60 PKR
As I mentioned these were my first pair of lashes and adhesive I don’t have anything to compare these to, yet I must say that these proved to be a really good purchase.
You can see me wearing these here.
I’m not sure about the availability of these worldwide but you can find these at local superstores and online.
Check Farley&Co for MesmorEyes Eyelash Adhesive here.
yayyyyyyy.thankyou so very much for reviewing these.I have been thinkin and lookin for an affordabel goor quality lashes brand.I am def gonna buy this ^_^ <3
Welcome! n_n xo
Excellent post! I'll definitely look for these in my local cosmetics store! xx
Thanks! ๐ x
very nicely reviewed. and its worth playing with those if they r so cheap ๐ will certainly grab one when i visit naheed next time ๐
Thanks! ๐ x
I have soooo many of these as I found them cheap, but I just haven't got my hands on the right glue for them! Thanks for the wonderful review, I'll be giving this glue a try!
This glue is very sticky! I'm sure you won't be disappointed. ๐ x
The lashes look SO pretty on you <3
I have used this glue.. its pretty good ๐
Thank you! ๐ x