I have had Twitter since even before I got Facebook as far as I can recall. I admit, as a beginner it was a tough cookie and back in the day it was much much harder to figure out since nobody I knew was on it. It took me 3 years to actually use it and that was the time when I made this blog. However, it was only last year that I actually upped my networking game and around this time of the year, or maybe even a little late, I started participating in Twitter chats. I knew they existed, but I wasn’t really into them until I saw Noor Unnahar, who is my lovely friend from Noor’s Place blog, hosting her own Twitter chat called #socialbloggers one fine Saturday night. I enjoyed the session she held so much that I started chatting more frequently with other bloggers. That chat was also the reason why we got closer and this is how I found her twin, Areeba Siddique, too who blogs at Not Your Type blog. So, I chatted a lot all throughout the second half of 2014 and this made so much of a difference in my blog traffic, plus I made some more international blogger friends too.
In the Pipeline and the Debut:
Then around Nov/Dec, Areeba and I discussed that we really do not get to see much of Pakistani bloggers on Twitter and even if we do have a huge active group of local Twitterati, we don’t see them interacting as such with bloggers from the other parts of the world. This was the ice that we thought had to be broken as we would like to see our own local blogging community gaining international recognition. Hence, for months the idea of our own Twitter chat had been in the pipelines and late in July we retouched upon the issue. Then thanks to Noor for pushing us for real to get it started and last week was the debut of our own Twitter chat, named #bloglanders. I had invited all my friends to join me for the chat last week and knowing that Areeba had to travel back home earlier than planned, I was kind of nrevous to host all by myself. I have hosted a #PABChat session previously but since #bloglanders is a new born, I did not expect as many people to show up. However, the turnout was great and in no time my feed was flooding, so I am very grateful to everybody who particpated and supported us through and through.
About Bloglanders:
Bloglanders, is the new Twitter chat on the block, about the bloggers and we do mean to focus on bloggers more than blogging itself as there are already so many chats doing that. Since, this is a new venture, we would welcome and appreciate all sorts of suggestions related to topics. This chat is for all the bloggers around the world, no matter your niche. So join us every Friday, and we shall have a great time socializing.
Also, this week onwards we will be giving a surprise shout-out to a blogger at the beginning of the chat as our token of admiration for their work.
Hosts: @Jadirah_Sarmad and @AreebaSiddique
We are both the hosts of the Bloglanders since we cofounded it but each week either one of us will be asking all the questions so that it doesn’t get confusing during the session. We will announce the topic and which one of us will be hosting a few hours or a day in advance.
Hashtag: #bloglanders
Don’t forget to add this in your tweets to stay in the chat loop and to also follow our questions.
Day: Friday
Timings (updated): 10-11 PM Pakistan, 6-7 PM London, 1-2 PM New York City
Send in your creative submissions for Bloglanders to Areeba so that she can feature you in her upcoming Zine! The theme is ‘Relationship with Your Blog’, you check here for details.

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I am just SO proud of you two. This is the first twitter chat for bloggers in Pakistan (which isn't sponsored, haha!) and beyond. I have been lacking a solid present from my own chat. I hope #bloglanders will motivate me even more to get active in Twitter's blogger community. High five!!!
LOL at the sponsorship! π Thank you so much for supporting us! <3 I hope we get to see more of you in social bloggers too! π
Amazing concept β‘β‘ Thumbs up for you two ??
Thank you! <3
U r so right Pakistani bloggers dont really use Twitter that much. I admit even I have always had problems with handling Twitter. But this is a great initiative by you guys and in sha Allah I plan to join in the next session =)
Sure do, we will be pleased! π x
it was such a fun activity .Twitter is the least used among Pakistani bloggers without any doubt ,but such acticvities make it a great platform for every one . though I just steered off from the track, but i will be showing up more !
It's always fun to have you in the conversation! π
Love you for this! :* It was too much fun. Thank you guys!
Hehe, thanks, dear!
saw your post late .. wont miss this fun on coming friday yayay <3
That will be great! Looking forward to chatting with you! <3
same! my participation in twitter chats is on & off, but those are definitely some of the best conversations i have in the day! alert me the next time there's one going on that your participating in! π
β xo
I will surely hit you up next time! π
Oh I wasn't able to join it but I'm up for the coming friday blogger chat. I hope it goes nicely for me as you know I haven't joined any such chats ever. Wish you loads of luck and success π
Glad you could make it today! π x
This sounds like an amazing chat. I've never really thought about bloggers in Pakistan (I have no idea why not). I wish I could join in on the chat, but I have class at that time π
If I ever get a day off, I'll be sure to join in because I'd love to meet more people from around the world!
– Courtney
We have quite a bunch here! π That'll be great, Courtney! xx
here's to hoping I get a day off on a Friday soon so I can try and join in this chat… that is if I even remember ?
I will definitely remind you next Friday!
Sounds like a fun act…will surely join coming Friday π
Please do join us! π
You are one dedicated blogger MA and always cme up with some great ideas .. so bad i mised it this time .. pls do tag me next time I would love to join β‘β‘
I will make a list of people I need to remind. Hehe. π x
I missed the last one and I am so in for next! 3:) Will break Twitter π
Fizzah, we got your responses through Sadaf today! I hope all is well! x
I missed the last one! Gotta set my alarm for this one now! Great initiative xo
Yay, so happy you joined tonight! π x
Oh wow! I hope I can join you today! Sounds great!
Missed you! x